Very, very, good. Here is a brief item I've shared with many a Trump supporter on fb:
Dear Conservative Friends and Trump Supporters,
You know more now than you did three and a half years ago. Even then you knew that candidate Trump had mocked the handicapped, had groped women and bragged about it, had left people he owed 100s of millions to flapping in the breeze (workers, contractors, & investors), had cheated on multiple wives, had spoken to and treated various women derisively, had appealed to our worst instead of our best instincts, had talked about clean air, water, & land as too high a price to pay if it gets in the way of making a buck now, and more.
We now know he will dismiss expertise from Generals, economists, scientists, and more. He will call various countries shit-holes, and insist that white-supremacists include some very good people, while apparently Mexicans are nearly all bad. He will buddy up with dictators while dismissing long-time allies. And now we know that he will withhold a generally valued White House visit and 100s of millions in aid to a foreign country in trying to get them to make a public statement that would appear to smear the person who he felt could well be his rival in the next American election. We now know that he has gone to considerable lengths (special storage of phone call, directives to not comply with Congressional subpoenas, and attempts to impugn the character of honorable veterans and civil servants who provided testimony as to what they witnessed first-hand) to prevent this sad episode in our history being publicly and accurately known. We know that he will penalize honorable citizens and service members who he perceives as not loyal to Him, and he will attempt to interfere in DOJ affairs to favor friends, and encourage prosecution of enemies. We know that he was cavalier for weeks about corona, and now claims to have taken it seriously all along. We know that he willingly throws Pentagon leadership under the bus, and this after calling injured, captured, or dead soldiers, airmen, and marines suckers and losers.
If you go back say six years in your memory, and imagine Obama doing all of the above, what would your reaction have been? Do try to be honest. If you go back to only after you voted him in as President, you knew you had already lowered your ethical bar a long ways. Could you picture then a limit to the lowering?
Since that election a good collection of significant conservative and GOP leading figures have stepped up and said “enough” to the lowering. Read what General Powell, Senator Jeff Flake, Senator Mitt Romney, Governor John Kasich, Representative Charlie Dent, Representative David Jolly, intellectual/writer George F. Will, and Pastor John Pavlovitz have said.
These people of conscience refuse to submit to the kidnapping of your Grand Old Party. In this, our national game of backyard Limbo, they refuse to get a shovel and dig out the very ground under the ever-lower ethical bar.
What Will You Do? Will you continue to participate in finding a route lower than the bar? Someday you will be explaining this choice, your choice, to some bright, inquisitive, and demanding young adults who happen to be your children and grandchildren.
Do you want to be on the inexplicable side of history? Allow me to leave you with this thought in these words from Joseph N. Welch, Chief Counsel for the United States Army, spoken to Senator Joseph McCarthy on the 9th of June, 1954: “Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?”
There is still time for the members of the GOP to recover their consciences, their ethics, their sense of decency… and their place in history.
Sincerely, your friend in the best long-term interest of America,
Doug Matheson